Tax law
Actualités / Opérations récentes

Location meublée saisonnière et assujettissement à la TVA
L’article 261 D du Code général des impôts instaure une exonération de TVA des locations occasionnelles, permanentes ou saisonnières de logements meublés ou garnis à usage d’habitation. Cette exonération supporte une exception si cette activité concurrence l’activité d’hôtellerie. Ainsi, le

Taxe de 3 % : Absence de faculté de régularisation pour les déclarations incomplètes ou erronées
Pour rappel, toutes les entités juridiques françaises ou étrangères qui possèdent (directement ou par entité interposée) un ou plusieurs immeubles (ou droits réels portant sur ces biens) en France sont redevables d’une taxe égale à 3 % de la valeur
"in concreto"
Our goal is to help our clients achieve their economic and business objectives by integrating their financial and operational constraints.
Each partner has one or more areas of expertise in addition to a more general business law practice, allowing for a cross-cutting approach to cases.
A high-performance technical infrastructure and the flexible organization of the firm promote responsiveness and the mobilization of the necessary resources to handle cases.
We prioritize a personalized approach to cases and the development of long-term relationships of trust with our clients. We consider responsiveness to client requests an essential element of our service offering.

Michaël Taïeb
Michaël Taïeb has 12 years of experience in corporate taxation. Prior to founding the IC AVOCATS firm, Michaël Taïeb worked in the tax department of TAJ (2005) and Arsene Taxand (2006 to 2013). He advises operational companies and investment funds on direct ...

Christelle Félicité
Before joining IC AVOCATS in 2022, Christelle worked for around 20 years in the tax departments of large international companies such as McDonald's (2000-2007) and 3M (2017-2021) as well as at Deloitte (2007-2017). There, she developed a strong expertise in corporate taxation ...

Marion Laplace
Marion Laplace joined IC Avocats in January 2021 after completing several internships in tax law (at Gide and Fidal), as well as international tax law internships at CMS Francis Lefebvre and Total's tax department.
She holds a Master’s degree in business law
The firm works closely with several foreign law firms, enabling us to assist our clients in their international expansion and cross-border operations.
In particular, IC Avocats has privileged relationships with business law firms in the following countries:
- United States
- United Kingdom
- Luxembourg
- Switzerland
- Belgium
- Netherlands
- Spain
- Germany
- Lebanon
- Israel
- Canada
- Monaco